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Nox App Emulator:

Jumat, 12 November 2021, November 12, 2021 WIB Last Updated 2022-02-04T15:53:25Z
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Nox App Emulator: . Latest
Nox Apps Player: This wonderful program is one of the lightest and fastest Android Emulator for running apps and games on the computer. It is a simulator to run all Android programs on the computer with ease, only with a mouse click.

Nox Main Functions:
1. It provides you with an environment that simulates the Android Kitkat system or Android Lollipop, which supports all the games and applications available on the Google Play Market, enabling you to use all applications and games you prefer on the Windows operating system without the need to use an Android phone.

2. In a short period of time, the program was able to be one of the most important competing programs in the market of Emulation for operating applications programs on computers. It is the strongest competitor to the bluestacks program.

3. The Android Nox App Player emulator comes with an easy-to-use interface, it will not require you many hours of watching videos on YouTube in order to master dealing with it, all you need is to download the application and start using it directly.

4. You can through the program download files for Android in APK format and install and run them easily on the computer or download applications, games and programs from the Google Play Store and try them through the program without the need to install them on your android OS.

>> Download Also!!

More Information:
1. With this program, you can access the settings of programs and applications that have been installed and modified by deleting and adding any program or game with ease.

2. It makes it easy for you to run famous programs that work on Android, such as WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger and Instagram without any problems, run and try them on your computer.

3. With the Nox Player program, you can also control all the different programs and applications via the mouse or keyboard, as well as you can through the program to adjust and change the settings of programs, games and applications as you wish. This giant program makes your computer similar to a tablet or Android phones.

More Features:
1- Provides a complete Android system on your device with many distinct tools.
2- Adding virtual buttons on the screen enables you to control the program.
3- Run all types of applications and games completely and without exception.
4- Designed to provide you with the best possible performance without affecting the device.
5- It comes with a very distinctive interface, powerful and easy to use.
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6- It works on weak devices with high efficiency.

Changes in NoxPlayer

  • New features added in Android 9: High FPS Mode (120 FPS) and File Assistant.
  • Multi-Drive now supports importing 64-bit (both Android 7 and Android 9) data from earlier versions.
  • Fixed Android 9 occasional function failure on AMD devices.
  • Optimized onscreen virtual keyboard layout.
  • Adjusted descriptions of certain features.
  • Optimized UI.
Changes in NoxPlayer
  • Add a new key to interrupt Move Control;
  • Add a new pop-up when you disable hyper-v
  • Optimize the UI of Multi-Instance, which is more convenient to use;
  • Support checking the list of installed applications of each emulator in Multi-Instance;
  • Support batch the emulator settings and more functions are available now;
  • Support “extreme multi-instance”, which can be configured quickly to increase the number of multi-instances; Click here to check the guide;
  • Support Left and right-column alignment in Multi-Instance Arrangement, which provides more forms of arrangement
  • Supports key-binding in Macro
  • Optimize the experience of the controller to display the controller keyset more freely;
  • Optimize customized wallpapers, which supports uploading your favored image as the desktop;
  • Fix the display problem of ?MARVEL Super War?on Android 7.

Supported OS: All Windows Platforms including: 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10.(x86-x64). macOS 10.12/10.11 and higher.
Supported Languages: Multi.

Homepage – https://www.bignox.com 



